Friday 21 December 2012

Holidays are coming.

Merry Christmas to you all. thank you for the cards and gifts, very kind of you all. Have a wonderful break and do send in a photo of Christmas day, I do like to see their faces!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

What a show!

I'm sure that you will all agree that our wonderful, talented children were all fantastic during their performances of 'The Sleepy Stargazer'. We hope that you all enjoyed the show.

Thank you for sending the children in for the show and for costumes.

You must have spotted the back drop to our show? so.....the biggest thank you must go to Mrs Worth, whose generosity, support and talent is hugely appreciated by all staff and pupils of year 2 and the Harris. Thank you.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Oh No! An alien has kidnapped me!

One night when I was lying in bed, an alien came into my bedroom. I was scared but the alien told me that he was friendly.

Next he took me to the planet Mars in his spacehip. Mars was big and red. Whilst I was there the alien told me he was going to give me a super power. He sprinkled some glittery space dust on me and suddenly I began to float. It felt brilliant because I had never flown before.

The alien then told me that I would be able to fly home. I decided to jump out of the space ship and then flew home to tell my Mummy and Daddy but they didn't believe me!

By Dylan Walsh.

Dylan has really listened to what makes a BIG WRITE special. Look out for his time words, 'wow' words and his connective. Well done Dylan.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012


If your child has misplaced or missed their spellings this week, please look to the spelling page on the right. You will find both Miss Sanders and Mrs Allonby group spelling lists.