Autumn 2 - Class Newsletter

Year 2 Newsletter
Autumn Term – 2nd half 2012
Welcome back after half term. We now look ahead to a very busy half term in preparation for Christmas. There will be lots to do and nativity plays to rehearse!

Our topic theme is called ‘Light it up’ and will have a science and geography focus.


Our topics will include:

Ways to help your child:

Shape – 2D and 3D. What makes each shape unique? What are their properties?

Turns and angles – anticlockwise and clockwise.
Where will the shape be if we turn it?

Time – o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

Simple multiplication – an introduction to the notion of x tables.

Simple fractions – finding halves and quarters.

Repeating patterns and number sequences.

Look at everyday packaging – what shape is it? Take boxes apart and see how the flat ‘net’ fits back together to create a 3D shape.

Encourage your child to start telling the time on analogue clocks. Perhaps buy your child a simple watch for Christmas!

Start to ask your child to learn their tables – look at the 2s, 5s and 10s to begin with. Keep lists on your fridge and challenge them to a sum before breakfast!

Ask your child to divide up foods such as pizzas, apples etc.

What is the next number games?

Spelling patterns and high frequency words.

Stories with familiar settings


Categorising Alphabetically



Discuss spelling words with your child and find more words with same spelling pattern.
Always use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check Method

Share stories together- home readers, library books or some from your own collection. Discuss the setting- can you find some new describing words.

How many different types of instructions can you find? Can you write some for your favourite game/ activity? Try to use a variety of action words.

It is very helpful for your child to know the alphabet. Try to practice and test one another by finding words in dictionaries. This not only develops skills but also encourages independence, spelling and organisation.

We are practicing our handwriting on a daily basis! Be sure to remind your child to TRY and use joins where possible and think about letter orientation.

With Nativity season rapidly approaching try to encourage your child to use expression when reading! Remember clear voices.

Science:   Electricity

·       We will be thinking about electricity this half term. This will involve researching how circuits are put together and how to make bulbs light up. What can affect the brightness of the bulb? How can we light more than one bulb? We will also discuss electrical safety around the home.

Geography: Our Local Area

·       We will be looking at maps, and in particular our local area. We will participate in a walk to the local shop; ‘Premier News’ on Landsdown Hill. We will be visited by the shop keeper, Andrea Gibson, who will explain how they stock their shop and how they serve the local area.

P.E:   Dance

·       The children will be thinking about the weather and how different weather would make us move.
·       We will be putting together simple routines to music.
·       P.E. will be on Wednesdays – Please ensure your child’s kit is in school!

R.E: Good News

·       This half term we will be looking at the Christian faith and the idea of ‘Good News’, notably the story of the nativity.

·       Every two weeks we will have a ‘Big Write’ homework – this is really valuable to your child, by talking through ideas at home, they are much more confident when writing in school.
·       Spellings continue to be sent home every Friday and are based on the phonic work done throughout the week.
·       Nativity- Your child will soon find out what part they will have in this year’s production. Please keep an eye out for lines to learn and costumes requests!

We hope to have a super run up to Christmas and thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning journey.

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