Spring 1 Newsletter

Year 2 Newsletter
Spring Term – 1st half 2013
Welcome back after Christmas! We hope that you all had a very special time over the break, we both did and thank you all very much for the wonderful and generous cards and gifts.

Our topic this half term is called – Our Wonderful World

Our targets:

Ways to help your child:
·       Count to at least 100, and read and write numbers to 100.
·       Given any six numbers up to 100, put them in order.
·       Count forwards and backwards in ones or tens from any
two-digit number, e.g. twenty-six, thirty-six, forty-six…
·       Recognise odd and even numbers.
·       Add and subtract numbers under 20 in their heads.
·       Know pairs of ‘tens’ numbers that make 100, e.g. 30 + 70.
·       Double and halve small numbers, e.g. double 9 is 18, and
half of 18 is 9.
·       Know by heart the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
·       Find the total value of a handful of coins to £1.
·       Measure or weigh using metres, centimetres, kilograms or litres.
·       Use a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest
·       Tell the time to the half and quarter hour.
·       Name and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
·       Solve simple number problems, and explain how to work 
them out.

Fun activities to do in a spare moment(!)
Car numbers
Each person chooses a target number, e.g. 15. 
How many car numbers can you spot with 3 digits adding up to your target number, e.g. K456 XWL.
So 4 + 5 + 6 = 15, bingo!

Bean subtraction
For this game you need a dice  and some dried beans or buttons.
  Start with a pile of beans in the middle. Count them. 
  Throw a dice. Say how many beans will be left if you 
subtract that number. 
  Then take the beans away and check if you were right! 
  Keep playing. 
  The person to take the last bean wins!

Writing riddles – this form of poetry is explored this term. Can we write a set of clues?

Writing stories – ensuring that we have a beginning, middle and an end. Using connectives, time words and wow words to ensure that our writing is lively and interesting.

Looking at information texts – in conjunction with our topic.

Handwriting: Joining our letters continues to be a major focus.

Reading – stories by the same author. Authors such as Ronda and David Armitage and their stories based on ’The Light house Keeper’.

We will also be enjoying a class reader – Jack Stalwart.

Please encourage your child to join their letters when writing at home.

Record any fantastic words that you come across in your reading at home – so that your child might use them in their story writing.

Go to the library and try to find examples of riddles – please bring any examples into school.

Try out any of the stories heard in school – ALL reading is good!

Learning spellings every week.

Science:   Green Plants

·       We will be thinking about plants this half term. This will involve researching how plants grow, why they grow, where they grow and what they give us.

Geography:  Our Wonderful World
·       Looking at volcanoes, the ring of fire and other exciting topics. Please encourage your child to research these at home, whether in books or on the internet.

P.E:   Gym

·       The children will be thinking about their bodies and how we can move in different ways.
·       We will be putting together simple routines using apparatus.
·       P.E. will be on Wednesdays – Please ensure your child’s kit is in school! An you please check that kits still fit and are clearly labelled.

R.E: Creation

·       We are looking at early Old testament stories and looking at how Christians believe our World was created.

MFL: Countries
·       We will be learning the names of our some of the countries in our world in French.

·       Homework is handed out on TUESDAYS and should be handed in by the following MONDAY. Please ensure that your child reads the instructions carefully.
·       Spellings are given out on FRIDAY and are tested the following week. It is important to try and learn these as we run up to our testing.
·       Books should be in every day, but by all means please record any independent reading done at home or from the library. Also use their reading record for communication – we like to know what your little treasures are up to!

Thank you for your continued support – a good half term ahead!

Miss M & Mrs A

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