Spring 2 Newsletter

Class 2 Newsletter!
Spring Term 2nd Half

This half term we are working under the topic area ‘Material World’. We will celebrate working with different materials and how these can be changed.


This half term we will be learning about…

  • Non-fiction- We will be looking at poetry, writing riddles, non-chronological reports, and information posters. We’ll be using technical terms and vocabulary!
  • Character descriptions- thinking about what characters look like and their personality traits.
  • Using a story mountain to write a successful story – and making our work more interesting by using openers, wow words (describing words) and connectives (and, because, so…..)
  • The Easter Story… Plus much, much more!
  • We will continue to think about using capital letters and full stops, JOINING our letters

Ways to help your child…..

Look at a variety of Non- Fiction texts and discuss their format. What are the sub-headings? What facts can you find together? How are they different from stories?
What happens in a story? Talk through the ‘build-up’, the problem and the resolution.

Discuss characters in the books you read together. Who can think of the best adjective to describe the character? What kind of person are they? Would you like to be their friend? Why? Why not?


This half term will be jam packed with exciting maths!

  • We will be polishing our mental math strategies; adding and taking away 10 and using this as a foundation to add and take away 9, 11 and 20 etc.
  • We are also looking at counting in ‘lots of’ numbers. Can we count in 2s, 5s, and 10s? Can we count in much harder groups – 3s and 4s?
  • We will be revisiting telling the time. Can we identify quarter past, half past, quarter to and o’clock times?
  • We will be creating bar graphs and asking questions about the data that we gather.
  • We will also be looking at word problems and which sum the question needs us to answer.
  • 3D shapes and their properties will be visited, alongside measuring.
  • Can we find ½ of a shape?

How can you help your child?

Ask your child to tell you the time, or ask them what time will it be one hour from now?
Ask your child to add 10p onto the price of your shopping – e.g. If this drink costs 45p, how much would it be if it was 10p more?
Encourage your child to count out items in groups of 3s or 4s, lego bricks perhaps!?
As with everything, children improve with practice!


o This half term we are looking at materials.
o We will be thinking about the kinds of materials we use everyday.
o We will be trying to group these materials according to their properties and then how we might change the material.
o What happens to a material when we heat/cool it?
o Are some changes irreversible?

We are extremely lucky to also be having a visit to Bowland Wild Boar Park, to explore materials further.


  • This half term, we will be thinking about using databases and creating pictograms. We will be asking questions and researching a variety of topics and then presenting our findings in a range of graphs!
  • We will also continue to use a word processor and play a variety of number and spelling games.

Art and Design

  • Our focus for this half term will be Mother Nature and all things natural! We will be working with wool and trying our hand at crochet. We will also be weaving and sewing. (If there are some experienced crochet workers out there who could volunteer an afternoon to help year 2 crochet simple chains, please let Mrs Allonby know!)


o We are looking carefully at the run up to Easter and how this time is important to people of the Christian faith.
o We will also cover the Easter Story through our Literacy Lessons!


o Invasion games are being studied this half term.


  • P.E  is on Wednesday- please ensure that earrings are removed and long hair is tied back.
  • Our class theme this half term is ‘Material World’.
  • Homework will be given out on a Tuesday by Miss Mounsey and spellings will be given out on a Friday by Mrs Allonby.

We all look forward to another exciting learning journey together this half term!

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