Summer 2 Newsletter

Year 2 Newsletter
SUMMER Term – 2nd half 2013

This is our last newsletter before our class goes to the Juniors.  We will still be working hard throughout this last half term. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this class, and thank you all for having such lovely children!

WELL DONE TO ALL OF YEAR 2 DURING THEIR SATS! The children have all worked extremely hard, and we are very proud of their achievements. They will certainly be ready for the Juniors now! You will be informed of your child’s results when final reports are given out towards the end of the academic year.

Spellings to continue to be learned each week. They will be given out on Fridays and will be tested on the following Friday.



Our topics will include:
Ways to help your child:
o    Ordering and partitioning 3-digit numbers
o    Number pairs.
o    Adding 19 or 21 by using known facts.
o    Measuring lengths accurately.
o    capacity.
o    Money investigations.
o    3D shape
o    Shape rotations
o    Telling the time to seconds, hours and days

We will be targeting the use of the 3s and 4 times tables. Try your best to help your child learn these important mental facts.

o    Challenge children to build larger numbers, then tell you how many hundreds, tens and units are involved
o    Get your child a ruler! Ask them to find objects around the house that will be 5cm, 11cm etc.
o    Try to make amounts of money using the fewest coins possible.
o    Why not buy your child an analogue watch?
o    Please help your child to learn these new tables. Ask questions such as ‘What is 2 x 3?’ and ‘How many 4s in 20?’


o    Poetry – use of Limerick
o    Information texts
o    Stories with a central character.

o    Why not read a selection of poems with your child? Practice performing them, chanting, using expression and tongue twisting!
o    Silly sentence games- Can you make a boring sentence better? Can you join two sentences together to make a better one? The hairy cat sat on the fluffy mat because it wanted to play outside…(Try using these words because, so, and, while, then)
o    Talk about the characters in your stories. Do you like them? Why? What do they look like? What are they like as a person? Would you like to be their friend?
o    Can you find out some facts about Nocturnal animals? We’d love to see them!
o    Try sharing a longer story with your child- The Twits, George’s Marvellous Medicine, Horrid Henry- you can share the reading too!!

Science:   Health and Growth

o   We will be thinking about our health and how this effects our health this half term. This involves looking at the kind of diet and exercise we need to keep us tip top! Medicines will feature, as will the life cycle of humans and other animals.

I.C.T:     Questions and Answers
·       We are now lucky to have extra ICT resources in school (ask your child about new whizzy things!) and will be using these to research our topic areas.

R.E:   Christianity
o    With a focus on stories told by Jesus.

DT:  Winding UP

o    This term we will be creating a wind up toy.

P.E:   Athletics

o    The children will be honing their athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day.

We hope to have a fantastic last half term!

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