Thursday 13 June 2013

Year 2 had lots of (tasty) fun creating their own fruit salad today. We have created a set of instructions for you to follow should you like to make your own at home!

You will need:
Fruit; banana, orange, strawberries, apples, kiwi, mango, pineapple, blueberries, summer fruits,
Orange or lemon juice,
A sharp knife,
A chopping board,
A bowl

Top Tip: Recycle your peelings to make your own compost.

Our Limericks

Here is a selection of some of the limericks that we created in our Literacy lessons last week.

There was an old man named Jake,               There once was a man called Sam,
Who took a trip to Fairhaven Lake,               Who went to visit his lovely old Mam,
He got in a boat,                                             She looked in the bin,
But it didn't float,                                            Which then made her spin,
So that was a silly mistake.                      As she'd run out of strawberry jam!

By Alisha & Archie                                         By Heather

There once was a man called Jake,                  There was a young girl from Crewe,
Who liked eating chocolate cake,                     Who bought a young kangaroo,
He got right stuck in,                                        He went for a hop,
Pulled himself out of a bin,                               And went to a shop,
That was a horrendous mistake!               So she sent him back off to the zoo!

By Amaan                                                        By Erin & Ebony

There once was a man named Jake,                 There was a boy called Clever Jake,
Who fed the ducks on the lake,          Who had friends, who had friends near a lake,
He saw a cute dog,                                        Though he had massive brains,
thought it was a frog,                                        He fell asleep in some drains,
and shouted out 'for goodness sake!"            So fell over to keep him awake!

By Sophie & Eva                                              By Harleigh

Saturday 8 June 2013

Harris got Talent!

What a fun evening! The sun shined and the children were fabulous. The PTFA put on a great show and thank you to everyone who helped us out.

I must add, however, that no video or photographic evidence of the band 'Wrong Direction' should ever appear on the internet and I must sadly announce that they split up after their debut last night ;o) !

Tuesday 4 June 2013