Thursday 23 May 2013

Harris Got Talent & Disco

What a fantastic time that we have had this afternoon.

Firstly we watched the excellent auditions from classes 2, 3 and 4 for our school show 'Harris Got Talent'. There was a vast array of talent on show and we insist that you buy those tickets soon as it is bound to be a cracking show!! The finalists will be revealed tomorrow.

After school, we really enjoyed throwing some shapes on the dance floor! Thank you to the PTFA and DJ Hunter for a really enjoyable time.

Friday 10 May 2013


ALL OF YEAR 2 WILL HAVE NO SPELLINGS SENT HOME THIS WEEK - The children must complete a summative SAT spelling test and this will be given over the next week or so.

There has been an extra maths homework sent home today (10.5.13), this is for you to talk through with your child. If you would like to help your little one then please practise adding, subtracting, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, money, time and the kinds of questions that are included on the homework sheet.

Thank you for all of your support. :0)


I must say that I really enjoy seeing and hearing all about the items your children select for the Chatterbox. It's always lovely when children come in with big smiles, excited for their turn.

The Magic Pebble.

We have been trying very hard to write some super stories this week. We all imagined that we found a magic pebble and that the pebble whisked us away to somewhere new and exciting. Ask your child to tell you where their magic pebble adventure took them.

We enjoyed painting our own magic pebbles.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

All's quiet on the western front.

Don't fret that we've gone quiet, we are busy beavering away to produce our best. We will be doing some important work over the next couple of weeks.