Thursday 28 March 2013

Summer 1 Newsletter

Look to the Newsletter tab on the right for an overview of the work for next half term.


Have a fantastic Easter. After our break comes the hard work - we will be looking at completing our SATs.
Talk about stories with your child, it will help! We will be planning a special story after the break.
Also practice mental maths, counting coins, asking children to halve and double, odds and evens. Any reinforcement at home is useful.
Don't eat too many chocolate eggs!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Trip day

We had a wonderful (if a bit chilly) day out today. A HUGE thank you to Mrs Devine, Mrs Jones, Mrs Harmer, Mrs MaCleod and Mrs Dunnagan who came along to help us - we really can't do such exciting things without parental help and we are very, very grateful. 

See our photos below.

A brrrrrrr-illiant day out!

A Brrrrrrr-illaint trip out! on PhotoPeach

Thursday 7 March 2013

What fun!

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party on PhotoPeach
World Book Day 2013 on PhotoPeach

World Book Day 2013

What a fantastic day we had. Year 2 visited Wonderland today, did some maths for the White Rabbit, made some jam tarts for the Queen of Hearts, and enjoyed the Mad Hatter's Tea Party! Thank you for all dressing up in your character costumes, we had fun sharing this with year 4.
Thank you to Mrs Worth for helping us create a wonderful tea party.