Thursday 28 February 2013

Captain Bluebottle

Year 2 have been a scurvy lot this week. Captain Bluebottle has had Miss Mounsey in a twizzle, leaving her clues to solve and maps to make. This morning he left a map for Mrs Allonby, and with the help of the motley crew (also known as year 2) they made their intrepid journey around the murky depths of the Harris to discover the treasure!

Friday 22 February 2013


Our new newsletter for Spring 2 is to be found on the right. Have a look through it to see what your child will be learning about over the next few weeks.

Wednesday 6 February 2013


THANK YOU IF YOU CAME TO OUR ASSEMBLY TODAY! There was the odd slip up and technical hitch but I think with the help of GOD and our mad professors we got the message across! Well done year 2.

Friday 1 February 2013

Winter by Cole

Cole has thought about words that we associate with Winter. We even used a thesaurus to help us.

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Winter by Eva

Our writing this week has focused on poetry, and we have taken inspiration from the recent snowy weather.

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