Saturday 27 October 2012

Half Term 'homework'.

We have looked at instruction texts this past week and Year 2 made some scrummy crispie cakes with Miss Mounsey on Wednesday. Over half term, why not try to follow a recipe at home? Look carefully at how it is set out and the language used. Spot those 'bossy' imperative verbs and send me a photo of your creations to share on our blog. Send photos to:

May the Force with with you (2p)!

2P Shove investigation on PhotoPeach

Friday 19 October 2012


A big thank you to all visitors to our classroom on 'Family Friday'. Remember, you are very welcome to come in and see us if you need to, we won't bite (hard)!

Thank you also to Mrs McLeod for exceptional fire building and to Mrs Worth for scrummy delights (which those of you who saw me at parent's evening last night also got to enjoy). We are very lucky to have such wonderful parents who help and support us.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Saturday 13 October 2012

Thursday 11 October 2012

Alliteration Poems

Here are two of our alliteration poems - hope that you enjoy them.

Ten taking tigers
Nine naughty newts
Eight elegant elephants
Seven selfish seals
Six slithery snakes
Five furious flamingos
Four fabulous fish
Three fantastic terrapins
Two tanned turtles
One tickly old octopus

By Archie

Ten manky monkeys
Nine bears bouncing
Eight tiny tigers
Seven giraffes jumping
Six panthers picking pizza
Five elephants eating eggs
Four zebras zipping zips
Three parrots picking peanuts
Two fish flapping their fins
One octopus floating in the ocean.

By Harry

Monday 8 October 2012

Please spend 10 minutes with you child discussing the 'Big writing' topic for the week. It really makes a huge difference to the children's writing if they are confident with their story plan. We do not need you to write the story at home, but you could practise the opening sentences or make a quick list of WOW words that your child might want to include in their story.

We thank you for your support

Thursday 4 October 2012

Great Fire of London Workshop

We have had another wonderful day in school. This time we were whisked back in time to 1666 and had to suffer through the Great Fire of London. The children did some excellent acting out and have really enjoyed learning about this topic. We will share more photos of the workshop on our 'Family Friday'.

Roald Dahl Day

We had a fantastic time dressing up as Roald Dahl characters. See if you can tell which story we come from.

We made some super dream jars, wrote about our dreams and painted some nasty Giants. We also had to taste some of Miss Trunchbull's chocolate cake as Bruce Bogtrotter couldn't manage it all.

Thank you for such fantastic costumes.