Thursday 11 July 2013

Final few days...

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Wednesday 17th July - Children will be bringing home any final books, pieces of work and their kits – please send in a named carrier bag.

Thursday 18th July - Children are allowed to bring into school toys/colouring in books of their own to play with in school. Please label your games and send in a named bag. (Please encourage your child to think carefully about the toys that they bring in. Will they be easily broken? Or pieces lost? Are they expensive? Board games are more easily shared, whilst electronic gadget lead to children playing by themselves.)

 Friday 19th July - We will be watching a film. The film that I have in mind is a PG film, if you have any concerns about your child watching a film rated PG, please do not hesitate to contact me before next Friday.

Finally, a HUGE thank you from me for all of your support this year. Your children are amazing and I have enjoyed teaching them very much – who knows, I may just meet them again in a couple of years! Enjoy your summer. Mrs A :O)

Monday 8 July 2013

Fairy Challenge!

Our school elves were not very pleased that we had discovered their hide out, so they asked whether we would make them a new place to live....out of biscuits!!

It was tricky using our imaginations and working as a team! Fairy Challenge on PhotoPeach

Thursday 4 July 2013

We have been fairy hunting!

We heard a rumour that there are fairies and elves living in our school grounds. We discovered that these magical creatures are attracted by the sound of laughter and small children. We looked for secret tree doorways, toadstools and fairy rings.....we found quite a few!

After we had explored we took back our evidence and thought about what the fairies and elves might look like.

Going on a Fairy hunt..... on PhotoPeach

Sports Day

We certainly escaped the rain from Tuesday and enjoyed the fantastic facilities that UCLAN has to offer. Despite the odd hiccup, the children enjoyed the day and we must congratulate Calder on their splendid win.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Year 2 had lots of (tasty) fun creating their own fruit salad today. We have created a set of instructions for you to follow should you like to make your own at home!

You will need:
Fruit; banana, orange, strawberries, apples, kiwi, mango, pineapple, blueberries, summer fruits,
Orange or lemon juice,
A sharp knife,
A chopping board,
A bowl

Top Tip: Recycle your peelings to make your own compost.

Our Limericks

Here is a selection of some of the limericks that we created in our Literacy lessons last week.

There was an old man named Jake,               There once was a man called Sam,
Who took a trip to Fairhaven Lake,               Who went to visit his lovely old Mam,
He got in a boat,                                             She looked in the bin,
But it didn't float,                                            Which then made her spin,
So that was a silly mistake.                      As she'd run out of strawberry jam!

By Alisha & Archie                                         By Heather

There once was a man called Jake,                  There was a young girl from Crewe,
Who liked eating chocolate cake,                     Who bought a young kangaroo,
He got right stuck in,                                        He went for a hop,
Pulled himself out of a bin,                               And went to a shop,
That was a horrendous mistake!               So she sent him back off to the zoo!

By Amaan                                                        By Erin & Ebony

There once was a man named Jake,                 There was a boy called Clever Jake,
Who fed the ducks on the lake,          Who had friends, who had friends near a lake,
He saw a cute dog,                                        Though he had massive brains,
thought it was a frog,                                        He fell asleep in some drains,
and shouted out 'for goodness sake!"            So fell over to keep him awake!

By Sophie & Eva                                              By Harleigh